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TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerCertificate - Node documentation
method TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerCertificate

Usage in Deno

import { TLSSocket } from "node:tls";
TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate

Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. If the peer does not provide a certificate, an empty object will be returned. If the socket has been destroyed, null will be returned.

If the full certificate chain was requested, each certificate will include anissuerCertificate property containing an object representing its issuer's certificate.


detailed: true

Include the full certificate chain if true, otherwise include just the peer's certificate.

Return Type

A certificate object.

TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerCertificate(detailed?: false): PeerCertificate


detailed: false

Return Type

TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate


detailed: boolean

Return Type