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API server with Firestore (Firebase)

Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. You can persist data on the platform using Firestore. In this tutorial let's take a look at how we can use it to build a small API that has endpoints to insert and retrieve information.

Overview Jump to heading

We are going to build an API with a single endpoint that accepts GET and POST requests and returns a JSON payload of information:

# A GET request to the endpoint without any sub-path should return the details
# of all songs in the store:
GET /songs
# response
    title: "Song Title",
    artist: "Someone",
    album: "Something",
    released: "1970",
    genres: "country rap",

# A GET request to the endpoint with a sub-path to the title should return the
# details of the song based on its title.
GET /songs/Song%20Title # '%20' == space
# response
  title: "Song Title"
  artist: "Someone"
  album: "Something",
  released: "1970",
  genres: "country rap",

# A POST request to the endpoint should insert the song details.
POST /songs
# post request body
  title: "A New Title"
  artist: "Someone New"
  album: "Something New",
  released: "2020",
  genres: "country rap",

In this tutorial, we will be:

  • Creating and setting up a Firebase Project.
  • Using a text editor to create our application.
  • Creating a gist to "host" our application.
  • Deploying our application on Deno Deploy.
  • Testing our application using cURL.

Concepts Jump to heading

There are a few concepts that help in understanding why we take a particular approach in the rest of the tutorial, and can help in extending the application. You can skip ahead to Setup Firebase if you want.

Deploy is browser-like Jump to heading

Even though Deploy runs in the cloud, in many aspects the APIs it provides are based on web standards. So when using Firebase, the Firebase APIs are more compatible with the web than those that are designed for server run times. That means we will be using the Firebase web libraries in this tutorial.

Firebase uses XHR Jump to heading

Firebase uses a wrapper around Closure's WebChannel and WebChannel was originally built around XMLHttpRequest. While WebChannel supports the more modern fetch() API, current versions of Firebase for the web do not uniformly instantiate WebChannel with fetch() support, and instead use XMLHttpRequest.

While Deploy is browser-like, it does not support XMLHttpRequest. XMLHttpRequest is a "legacy" browser API that has several limitations and features that would be difficult to implement in Deploy, which means it is unlikely that Deploy will ever implement that API.

So, in this tutorial we will be using a limited polyfill that provides enough of the XMLHttpRequest feature set to allow Firebase/WebChannel to communicate with the server.

Firebase auth Jump to heading

Firebase offers quite a few options around authentication. In this tutorial we are going to be using email and password authentication.

When a user is logged in, Firebase can persist that authentication. Because we are using the web libraries for Firebase, persisting the authentication allows a user to navigate away from a page and not need to re-log in when returning. Firebase allows authentication to be persisted in local storage, session storage or none.

In a Deploy context, it is a little different. A Deploy deployment will remain "active" meaning that in-memory state will be present from request to request on some requests, but under various conditions a new deployment can be started up or shutdown. Currently, Deploy doesn't offer any persistence outside of in-memory allocation. In addition it doesn't currently offer the global localStorage or sessionStorage, which is what is used by Firebase to store the authentication information.

In order to reduce the need to re-authenticate but also ensure that we can support multiple-users with a single deployment, we are going to use a polyfill that will allow us to provide a localStorage interface to Firebase, but store the information as a cookie in the client.

Setup Firebase Jump to heading

Firebase is a feature rich platform. All the details of Firebase administration are beyond the scope of this tutorial. We will cover what it needed for this tutorial.

  1. Create a new project under the Firebase console.

  2. Add a web application to your project. Make note of the firebaseConfig provided in the setup wizard. It should look something like the below. We will use this later:

    var firebaseConfig = {
      apiKey: "APIKEY",
      authDomain: "",
      projectId: "example-12345",
      storageBucket: "",
      messagingSenderId: "1234567890",
      appId: "APPID",
  3. Under Authentication in the administration console for, you will want to enable the Email/Password sign-in method.

  4. You will want to add a user and password under Authentication and then Users section, making note of the values used for later.

  5. Add Firestore Database to your project. The console will allow you to setup in production mode or test mode. It is up to you how you configure this, but production mode will require you to setup further security rules.

  6. Add a collection to the database named songs. This will require you to add at least one document. Just set the document with an Auto ID.

Note depending on the status of your Google account, there maybe other setup and administration steps that need to occur.

Write the application Jump to heading

We want to create our application as a JavaScript file in our favorite editor.

The first thing we will do is import the XMLHttpRequest polyfill that Firebase needs to work under Deploy as well as a polyfill for localStorage to allow the Firebase auth to persist logged in users:

import "";
import { installGlobals } from "";

ℹ️ we are using the current version of packages at the time of the writing of this tutorial. They may not be up-to-date and you may want to double check current versions.

Because Deploy has a lot of the web standard APIs, it is best to use the web libraries for Firebase under deploy. Currently v9 is in still in beta for Firebase, so we will use v8 in this tutorial:

import firebase from "";
import "";
import "";

We are also going to use oak as the middleware framework for creating the APIs, including middleware that will take the localStorage values and set them as client cookies:

import {
} from "";
import { virtualStorage } from "";

Now we need to setup our Firebase application. We will be getting the configuration from environment variables we will setup later under the key FIREBASE_CONFIG and get references to the parts of Firebase we are going to use:

const firebaseConfig = JSON.parse(Deno.env.get("FIREBASE_CONFIG"));
const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig, "example");
const auth = firebase.auth(firebaseApp);
const db = firebase.firestore(firebaseApp);

We are also going to setup the application to handle signed in users per request. So we will create a map of users that we have previously signed in in this deployment. While in this tutorial we will only ever have one signed in user, the code can easily be adapted to allow clients to sign-in individually:

const users = new Map();

Let's create our middleware router and create three different middleware handlers to support GET and POST of /songs and a GET of a specific song on /songs/{title}:

const router = new Router();

// Returns any songs in the collection
router.get("/songs", async (ctx) => {
  const querySnapshot = await db.collection("songs").get();
  ctx.response.body = =>;
  ctx.response.type = "json";

// Returns the first document that matches the title
router.get("/songs/:title", async (ctx) => {
  const { title } = ctx.params;
  const querySnapshot = await db.collection("songs").where("title", "==", title)
  const song = =>[0];
  if (!song) {
    ctx.response.status = 404;
    ctx.response.body = `The song titled "${ctx.params.title}" was not found.`;
    ctx.response.type = "text";
  } else {
    ctx.response.body = =>[0];
    ctx.response.type = "json";

function isSong(value) {
  return typeof value === "object" && value !== null && "title" in value;

// Removes any songs with the same title and adds the new song"/songs", async (ctx) => {
  const body = ctx.request.body();
  if (body.type !== "json") {
    ctx.throw(Status.BadRequest, "Must be a JSON document");
  const song = await body.value;
  if (!isSong(song)) {
    ctx.throw(Status.BadRequest, "Payload was not well formed");
  const querySnapshot = await db
    .where("title", "==", song.title)
  await Promise.all( => doc.ref.delete()));
  const songsRef = db.collection("songs");
  await songsRef.add(song);
  ctx.response.status = Status.NoContent;

Ok, we are almost done. We just need to create our middleware application, and add the localStorage middleware we imported:

const app = new Application();

And then we need to add middleware to authenticate the user. In this tutorial we are simply grabbing the username and password from the environment variables we will be setting up, but this could easily be adapted to redirect a user to a sign-in page if they are not logged in:

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  const signedInUid = ctx.cookies.get("LOGGED_IN_UID");
  const signedInUser = signedInUid != null ? users.get(signedInUid) : undefined;
  if (!signedInUid || !signedInUser || !auth.currentUser) {
    const creds = await auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(
    const { user } = creds;
    if (user) {
      users.set(user.uid, user);
      ctx.cookies.set("LOGGED_IN_UID", user.uid);
    } else if (signedInUser && signedInUid.uid !== auth.currentUser?.uid) {
      await auth.updateCurrentUser(signedInUser);
  return next();

Now let's add our router to the middleware application and set the application to listen on port 8000:

await app.listen({ port: 8000 });

Now we have an application that should serve up our APIs.

Deploy the Application Jump to heading

Now that we have everything in place, let's deploy your new application!

  1. In your browser, visit Deno Deploy and link your GitHub account.
  2. Select the repository which contains your new application.
  3. You can give your project a name or allow Deno to generate one for you
  4. Select firebase.js in the Entrypoint dropdown
  5. Click Deploy Project

In order for your Application to work, we will need to configure its environment variables.

On your project's success page, or in your project dashboard, click on Add environmental variables. Under Environment Variables, click + Add Variable. Create the following variables:

  1. FIREBASE_USERNAME - The Firebase user (email address) that was added above
  2. FIREBASE_PASSWORD - The Firebase user password that was added above
  3. FIREBASE_CONFIG - The configuration of the Firebase application as a string of JSON

The configuration needs to be a valid JSON string to be readable by the application. If the code snippet given when setting up looked like this:

var firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "APIKEY",
  authDomain: "",
  projectId: "example-12345",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "1234567890",
  appId: "APPID",

You would need to set the value of the string to this (noting that spacing and new lines are not required):

  "apiKey": "APIKEY",
  "authDomain": "",
  "projectId": "example-12345",
  "storageBucket": "",
  "messagingSenderId": "1234567890",
  "appId": "APPID"

Click to save the variables.

Now let's take our API for a spin.

We can create a new song:

curl --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"title": "Old Town Road", "artist": "Lil Nas X", "album": "7", "released": "2019", "genres": "Country rap, Pop"}' \
  --dump-header \
  - https://<project_name>

And we can get all the songs in our collection:

curl https://<project_name>

And we get specific information about a title we created:

curl https://<project_name>